Good Friday- Jesus’ Trial, Crucifixion, Death, and Burial - By Liz Vander Griend
Christ’s journey to the cross was well underway on Good Friday due to Judas’ betrayal and Peter’s denial. In fact, Judas felt so much remorse, he hung himself early Friday morning.
Before the third hour of the morning, Jesus faced accusations, condemnation, and beatings. Unlawful Trials leading to his sentencing had begun and ultimately, they decided he would be crucified to death, which was known to be the most horrible and disgraceful method of capital punishment.
Jesus was led away where soldiers then spit on him, tormented, and mocked him. They put a crown of thorns on his head, piercing him. Jesus was made to carry a heavy wooden cross to Calvary, where the soldiers lay him down on and upon it, they nailed his hands and his feet.
As Jesus hung on the cross, he spoke, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” His very last words were, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.”
Then, about the ninth hour (3 p.m.), Jesus breathed his last breath and died.
By 6 p.m. Friday evening, Jesus' body was taken down from the cross and laid in a tomb.
Today’s Activity:
Good Friday does not seem ‘good’ at all, right? Certainly not from any perspective, other than God’s because He alone knew the purpose of it all.
We invite you and your family to partake in Communion again today while reflecting on the “goodness” of Good Friday.
What purpose has Jesus’ sacrifice, crucifixion, and death revealed in your life and the quality of it thereof?
Song for the kiddos:
*Friday's events are recorded in Matthew 27:1-62, Mark 15:1-47, Luke 22:63-23:56, and John 18:28-19:37.