Life Group Discussion Guides
Week of 9.15.24 Being “All In” with God
Week of 9.22.24 Embracing joy in the midst of hardships
Week of 9.29.24 Don’t only be “hearers”, but “doers” of God's Word
Week of 10.13.24 “Faith without works is dead”
Week of 10.20.24 The power of our words
Week of 10.27.24 The difference between worldly wisdom and Godly wisdom
Week of 11.3.24 James 4: Look beyond surface behaviors and address the deeper issues of our hearts
Week of 11.10.24 James 4:11-17
Week of 11.17.24 James 5 - “Self-indulgence”
Week of 11.24.24 James 5:12-19
Week of 12.1.24 Living as people of Hope
Week of 1.12.25 Stop living for the world and start living for eternity
Week of 1.26.25 Overcoming Fear