Hearing from Heaven
Introduction: Would we all agree that we don’t have a problem that hearing from God wouldn’t fix? God is speaking, that is not the problem. Our ability to hear is the problem.
Background: Series on hearing from God began last week with Kurt’s message on stressing over our problems resulting in fear instead of focusing on the promise of God resulting in overcoming. Spoiler alert. God will not give up on us coming into our best version of ourselves -as overcomers! Until we agree with him on this matter, we will have a difficult time hearing what He is saying or even understanding His written Word, much less the life of His Son. Yet the truth is that until we agree with Him, we will likely stay in the wilderness. We must learn to put down our misguided expectations in order to be led by Him. Can we gain God’s perspective over our own. Look at numbers 13:33
“There also we saw the Nephilim (the sons of Anak are part of the Nephilim); and we became like grasshoppers in our own sight,
and so we were in their sight.”
Fear turns us into grasshoppers in our own sight and in the sight of our adversaries. Overwhelms us under states it. Isn’t it interesting that a correct fear of God motivates us to not want to miss Him. It causes us to take life seriously. It appears that God does not want us to miss our opportunities to hear Him, trust Him and to be known by Him.
Another way to miss God is more subtle and perhaps even more damaging than fear. It is the pursuit of information about God as opposed to trusting our lives to Him. Information gathering is a busyness that overloads us. It’s the same thing Adam and Eve fell prey to you by going to the tree of knowledge of good and evil instead of the tree of life. More knowledge is like waiting to have children until the perfect time. More information is no substitute for hearing from God; in fact, it’s likely a system overload or distraction. How many podcasts, book studies, video series etc. is a substitute for having God place his arm on our shoulder and speaking to us as a friend? Exodus 33:11
“Thus the Lord used to speak to Moses face to face, just as a man speaks to his friend.
When Moses returned to the camp, his servant Joshua, the son of Nun, a young man, would not depart from the tent.”
Picture of Bea Who looks happier, me or Bea? Favorite part is...you can’t tell. Zoom out and I am in cow barrel.
Fear = Overwhelmed
Fascination for information = Overloaded Friendship with God = Overcomer
Clearly God is setting us up to be Overcomers, just as He was...see His call to the 7 churches We overcome evil with good (Ro 12:21) which is why God’s friendship with/through us is powerful!
Our chief aim in life is to glorify God and enjoy him forever (1st Corinthians 10:31). Glorifying God brings Him joy.
The beginning of all wisdom is to fear God. The truth of God never returns void but accomplishes its purposes which is to glorify God and it all begins with an invitation from Him. We need to put down our fear and pick up a respect for not missing Him, or heading back to the wilderness. We need to put down our fascination for information and pick up friendship with God. AI is no substitute for a living relationship with God. It’s about knowing Him not knowing about Him or dumbing Him down through our limited perspectives or reducing Him to provider of our wish list and infinite desires or handouts.
In Nepal, people were so “hungry” for God. Hungry is not even the right word. They found Him and wanted to go deeper. They were not satisfied with their current level of knowing Him. It was honestly convicting. In the middle of the persecution and everyday hardship there was a deep desire and love for God. I saw living overcomers that made God more real to me. The one word that came to my mind was from my old friend Rev Willie Smith, “Glory!”
We are called to overcome and in doing so bring glory to God. Our chief aim in life is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever (Isaiah 43:7-13, Psalm 73:25-28) (1 Cor 10:31, Ro 11:36)
From Missing Him to Hearing from Him
1st We are Spiritual Beings (ruach, pneuma) CONNECTED
A) ChildrenofGodwithaPromise–
God “said us” and all creation into being through the Spirit that
He has now placed inside us through being born from above!
He has placed eternity into our hearts as a place holder for the unsaved, yet to be born again
B) KingdomPriest/RoyalPriesthood
1 Peter 2:9 Royal and Holy
A People for God’s OWN Possession
The Corinthian Call We are His Living and Holy Temple
C) Seated with Christ in the Heavenlies -called to release heaven/eternity to earth (Eph 2:4-6)
Lord’s model prayer to command God’s Kingdom to come
Keys of the kingdom, binding and loosening on heaven and earth
Prayers on the incense altar to be released with power as God sees fit (Rev 8:3-5)
2nd We are Human Beings (nephesh, psuche) COMMUNITY/FAMILY
A) MadeinHisImage(belongingtoHimandbelievingthebest)
B) Volitional-ChoiceisSacred(movingbeyondhelpandhandoutstoheartforHim) C) Relational -Commissioned through (Connecting with both head and heart)
Living in a Fallen World
Restored through Christ and now part of HIS Body and the Family of God
Our Citizenship is in Heaven, We are in the world but not of it and now part of the Family Business
God is walking with us, leading us to the best version of ourselves in the middle of the mess.
3rd We are Physical Beings (bawsawr, sarx) (Psalm 73:25-27) COMMITTED
A) FromGrosstoGodly(seeourselvesassinsforgiven,hurtsarehealedandcarryingHislifetoothers)
B) FromFlesh(5senses)toFaith(Gal2:20stillhavetodenyanddietothefleshinordertoactivateforever)
C) From Wimp to Warrior (Warfare) Ephesians full armor of God, from comfort to combat. Advocates!
It is a battle in/for our brains and our bodies
a. Mercy over Judgment (EX 26:34, Psalm 51:16-17, R) 9:23, James 2:13) b. Fruits of the Spirit (GAL 5:22, 1 PET 2:11-12)
c. Truth and Love -Lovers not fighters (Psalm 85:10, RO 12:21)
“Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline; therefore be zealous and repent. Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me. He who overcomes, I will grant him to sit down with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.” Rev 3:19-21
“He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” Rev 3:22
Let’s see ourselves as connected to Him in the Spirit realm now. Aprons up, ands on forehead, transported to heaven (Cambodian style). Neither time nor space can keep us from that place...only unbelief. Now, CONNECT with Him and thank Him for His sacrifice that makes it possible. Don’t waste nor diminish it. As a friend, seek His counsel, bring earthly and human conditions that need to be changed to His throne. Ask for your own inner healing, for hurts in your own life and for restored relationships with others. Speak the prayers that cause heaven to collide with planet crazy.