Watch this week’s talk
This week Pastor Dave explores John 5 where Jesus asks a man what seems to be an impossible question then tells him to do an impossible task.
Discussion Guide
As a part of your quiet time, as a family, with friends, or with your Life Group online, go through this discussion guide to engage with this week’s talk.
Mark Your Calendars for All Church Zoom May 17th
We are planning an all church Zoom on Sunday, May 17th at 10:30 AM. We are working out the details, so sign-up here to get more information as it comes.
Redeem Kids Lesson
Each week we'll be providing a simple lesson plan and other resources on the Redeem Kids Hub for you to use for your kids at home to help your kids grow as disciples of Christ.
Music for Prayer and Worship
Use this playlist to pick songs to spend 15-20 minutes in prayer and worship.
Request Prayer from the Redeem Prayer Team
Are you need of prayer for something in your life? Please share your request and we have a team that will lift your prayers up throughout the week!
Support the Ministry of Redeem
Join together to reach people in our community with the love of Christ and support the vision of Redeem, please click to give through Pushpay. Every gift makes a huge difference.