Redeem 24/7 Prayer Guide

Thank you for joining together to pray for our body. We believe that this prayer time will help us revive the church and rewire our culture through non-stop night and day prayer.

In this guide you’ll find

Prayer Ideas
Prayer Points
Worship Music

Prayer Ideas for Your Hour

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Redeem Prayer Points

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Pray for a new location:

  • That God would give us the right location for the future of Redeem

  • For a church building that we can redeem or for a rental location that God wants us to impact

  • For the right neighborhood that God wants us to impact

  • For the provisions of finances and people to make the space our own

  • Give congregation vision on what ministry could look like at our future location to impact the community

  • That the Holy Spirit would move before us to fill the place with His presence.

Pray for the Staff of our Church:

  • Pray for each staff member of our church

    • Dana Emanuel - Business Manager and Ministry

    • Diego Morales - Youth

    • Bryan Dill - Operations

    • Elizabeth Vander Griend - Creative, Teaching, and Ministry

    • Meg Rahn - Redeem Kids

    • Kurt Rahn - Pastor

    • Eddie Johnson - Teaching Team

    • Marty Schafer - Teaching Team

  • Pray for the protection of their families

  • Pray for increased energy and passion

  • Pray for an increase in each one of their ministries

Pray for the Elders and Advisory Council:

  • Pray for each person on the Elder team: Mark Anderson, Tony Brooks, Jon Vander Griend

  • Pray for the current Advisory Council - that they would have wisdom as we continue to plan for the future.

  • Pray for wisdom and clarity for all the leaders

  • Pray for the protection of their families

  • Pray for increased leadership capacity and renewed passion and energy

Pray for those suffering in our body:

  • Pray for those who are currently experiencing loss (of a family member or job)

  • Pray for those who are currently sick or experiencing pain

  • Pray for healing for those who are suffering in our church and those in your lives

  • Pray for the gift of healing to be experienced within our body.

Pray for those families and children:

  • Pray for mothers and fathers in our body that they would be encouraged as they raise the children to follow Jesus

  • Pray for Redeem Kids ministry that they would help children grow in knowledge and love of God

  • Pray that all children in our body would experience God in real ways so they would know that God loves them.

  • Pray that children would understand their true identity in Christ and not what the world tells them about themselves.

  • Pray for an increase in families coming to Redeem. Pray that more families in our community would be moved to raise their kids to love God and follow Jesus

  • Pray for the volunteers working with Redeem Kids

Pray for young people in our church:

  • Pray that the young people in our church would grow in knowledge and love of God

  • Pray against the peer pressure that young people are facing. Pray that they would understand their true identity in Christ

  • Pray for an increased commitment to the church and the mission of God for the next generation

  • Pray for leadership development for the next generation

  • Pray for our church to increase in a heart of evangelism for the next generation

Pray for our community:

  • Pray for each town that we impact throughout the South Sound

  • Pray for the poor and hurting in our community

  • Pray for our town, state, and country leaders

  • Pray for those who serve in our community (teachers, police, fire, social workers)

  • Pray that we would continue to be a church that will be salt and light in this world

Pray for our Worship Team:

  • Pray for the team that leads us each week in worship.

  • Pray for protection for their families, for renewed passion and energy

  • Pray that they would continue to raise up new people to join in worship at our church

Pray for a harvest:

  • Pray for an increase in a heart for evangelism in our church

  • Pray for our body to grow in passion for reaching their neighbors, friends, family, and coworkers.

  • Pray that God would give us clarity on what ministries He wants us to run to reach the lost

  • Pray that our church would grow in radical hospitality, welcoming the lost into our church.

  • Pray for our Rooted classes and Alpha Course that we’ll be running over the next year.

Pray for Life Groups:

  • Pray for our Life Group leaders. Pray for wisdom, increased passion, energy, and protection of their family.

  • Pray for people in our church to find friendship and community through Life Groups

  • Pray for courage for new people in our church to connect in a Life Group

Pray for leadership development and volunteers in our church:

  • Pray for renewed passion in our church to volunteer in ministries

  • Pray for an increase in leadership capacity in our church

  • Pray for our leadership team to better disciple upcoming leaders within our church

Pray for our mission work:

  • Pray for wisdom and clarity on what programs we are supposed to run to reach our community

  • Pray for our well projects in Uganda.  Pray for Jonah and Jen Ssebaggala who lead this project.  Pray for protection for their upcoming trip

  • Pray for the country of Uganda that we would have the opportunity for more ministry

Individual Listening Prayer

We’re asking that you not only spend time praying for Redeem Church but also praying for what God has for you as an individual.

  • Spend time listening for what God has to say to you about your next year, your mission, and your family

  • Spend time praying for your role at the church. Where might God want you to get more involved? What ministry might God want you to get involved with or start? Who might God be calling you to connect with?

Worship Set